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1Q22 in line; management guidance implies c.10% 2022E core r

02-25 行情资讯



1. 一季度中国经济数据出炉

2. 个人养老金制度正式落地

3. 《新时代的中国青年》白皮书发布

4. 我国首个国家植物园正式揭牌

5. IMF下调今年全球经济增速预期

1. 经济数据

economic data


China's first-quarter GDP expanded 4.8 percent compared to a year ago amid pressures from a more complicated and grimmer international environment and a resurgent of COVID-19 cases, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday.


一季度,中国国内生产总值(gross domestic product)270178亿元,同比增长4.8%,比2021年四季度环比增长1.3%。一季度,全国规模以上工业增加值(value-added industrial output)同比增长6.5%。一季度社会消费品零售总额(retail sales)108659亿元,同比增长3.3%。一季度全国固定资产投资(fixed-asset investment)同比增长9.3%。3月份,全国城镇调查失业率(the surveyed urban jobless rate)为5.8%,比上月上升0.3个百分点。


财政收入 fiscal revenue

经济指标 economic indicator

工业产值 industrial output

城镇调查失业率 surveyed urban unemployment rate

2. 个人养老金制度

private pension scheme


China on Thursday rolled out a private pension scheme to complement the nation's current pension system in its latest effort to tackle the strains of an aging population.


意见规定,个人养老金实行个人账户制度,实行封闭运行,每年缴纳个人养老金的上限为12000元(the scheme allows Chinese citizens to contribute up to 12,000 yuan annually to individual pension accounts that would be subject to closed-end management),未来还会根据经济社会发展水平和多层次、多支柱养老保险体系发展情况等因素适时调整缴费上限(the cap would be adjusted according to social and economic development as well as how the country's pension system evolves)。

意见规定,个人养老金资金账户资金用于购买风险相对较低、投资期限较长的金融产品(the funds in the accounts can be used to purchase financial products that are of relatively lower risk and a longer-term investment horizon)。国家制定税收优惠政策,鼓励符合条件的人员参加个人养老金制度(the government will offer tax incentives to encourage participation in the new system)。
